Major projects
- Construction of 110kV substation "Cērpi". "Augusti", Gaiķi parish, Saldus municipality
- Construction of 110kV power transmission line from substation "Vāne" to substation "Cērpi"
- Construction of 330kV substation "Vīpe". "Leišupi", Vīpe parish, Jēkabpils region
- Construction of 330 kV substation "Šķilbēni". Šķilbēni parish, Balvi municipality
- Reconstruction of FP-15. Riga International Airport, Mārupe parish, Mārupe district, cadastral number 80760020007
- Replacement of 10kV power lines. Riga International Airport, Mārupe parish, Mārupe district, cadastral number 80760020007
- Construction of wind power plants AV-12, AV-16, AV-18, AV-19 and AV-17 in Drusti parish, Smiltene municipality
- Construction of buildings and engineering structures. "Mežaine", Raņķu parish, Kuldīga region
- New construction of an apartment building. 74C Dzelzavas iela, Riga
- Two apartment buildings. 11 and 13 Ķieģeļu iela, Valmiera
- New construction of a residential building. Mazā Klijānu iela, Riga
- External power supply. 2 Hipokrāta iela, Riga
- External power supply. 6 Ernesta Birznieka-Upīša iela, Jūrmala
- Reconstruction of the anode grounding circuit of the gas pipeline cathodic protection equipment "Katodstacija KS-260 Uzvara" in Uzvara, Gailīši parish, Bauska region
Reconstruction of the
gas pipeline cathode station KS-139. 10 Lēpju iela, Riga
- Reconstruction of 10kV power supply line in PRC "Rīga" Babīte parish
Construction of 110kV substation "Kaibala" in Lielvārde parish
- Reconstruction of Rēzekne City Culture House at 3 Brāļu Skrindu iela, Rēzekne
- Construction of 110kV substation "Launkalne" in Launkalne parish
- Infrastructure development of Riga East University Hospital at 2 Hipokrāta iela, Riga
- Strengthening of foundations of Riga Dome at 6 Herdera laukums, Riga (in the picture)
Construction of 330 kV substation "Tume-2" in Tume parish, construction of 35 kV power transmission line from substation "Tume-2" to solar power plant and construction of solar power plant
- Museum/educational center "House of Courage" (in the memorial of Žanis Lipke) at 6 Mazais Balasta dambis, Riga (in the picture)
- External electronic communication networks in Kalmju, Rudzu, Magoņu, Vārpu, Brīnumu and Druvas streets, Carnikava
- New construction of multi-apartment residential building and restaurant building at 14/16 Pilsoņu iela, Jūrmala
Design of 0.4 kV cable line for GP-18 object and weather equipment for position "B" at the airport "Rīga"
Wind power station park "Laflora" 110 kV power transmission line substation "Laflora"-substation
Optimization and switching of part of the 10 kV network to the 20 kV network at the airport "Rīga"
Reconstruction of tram stops and restoration of track sections in the section of Slokas iela, Auces iela-Uzvaras bulvāris. Stop "Uzvaras bulvāris/Slokas iela"
Connection of SIA "BRVE" wind power station by building 110kV substation "Vāne"
Multi-storey multi-apartment residential building in Dzelzavas iela, Riga
Construction of 110kV substation "Audari" at "Stacija", Priekule parish
Two apartment buildings at 2A Gregora iela (45B Kuldīgas iela)
Connection of the wind power plant park "Ziemeļvējš" and "Dienvidparks" to the 110kV electricity transmission network and 110/20kV substation "Tārgale"
(in the picture)
Low-rise multi-apartment residential building at 5C Gaujas iela, Mārupe
Simplified reconstruction of the light manufacturing building at 11 Vienības gatve 11, Riga
Reconstruction of NISSAN car showroom at 31A Skanstes iela, Riga
- Substation No. 43 "Miezīte" 110kV reconstruction for connection of "Laflora" wind power plant
- Construction of 4 depots of State Fire and Rescue Service at 16A Daugavpils iela, Dagda, 65 Baldones iela, Iecava, 6 Galvenā iela, Priekule and 42 Zemnieku iela, Ilūkste
Multi-storey multi-apartment residential building at 97 Bauskas iela, Riga
Reconstruction of the Song Festival stage in Mežaparks. Construction phase B "Song Festival stage building" at 11 Ostas prospekts, Riga
(in the picture)
"Rail Baltica" railway infrastructure construction
Wind power station park "Ziemeļvējš" and "Dienvidparks" connection to the 110kV electricity transmission network and 110/20kV substation "Tārgale" in Tārgale parish, Ventspils county. Total capacity 56 MW
New construction of a commercial building at 38 Kalnciema iela, Riga
Multi-storey multi-apartment residential buildings (four buildings) at 110 Dzelzavas iela, Riga
330 kV overhead lines LNo. 324 Grobiņa-Klaipēda lightning protection cable replacement
110/20 kV substation No. 77 "Valka" 20kV distribution reconstruction at 90 Raiņa iela, Valka
Low-rise multi-apartment residential building at 2 Straumes iela, Jūrmala
Designing the container of diesel power plant GP24 "Liepāja"
New construction of a car showroom-service building at 31A Skanstes iela, Riga (in the picture)
Two multi-storey residential buildings at 148 k-1 A. Deglava iela, Riga
FP48 disassembly. Reconstruction of the existing 10kV electrical network in the area of
Buļļu, Kleistu, Virbu and Saulgožu
streets, Riga. Rebuild of TP1208, TP1411 and TP1466
Traffic overpass over the railway tracks Riga-Skulte with connections to prospect Viestura and street Tvaika
(in the picture)
- Development of the construction project for the reconstruction of Daugavgrīva methane tank park at 60 Dzintara iela, Riga
- Two apartment buildings at 45B Kuldīgas iela, Riga
Power supply for the sewage pumping station at 101 Daugavgrīvas iela, Riga
Reconstruction of transformer substation of VSIA "Latvijas Televīzija" and replacement of electrical equipment
Facade lighting of the building at 12 Citadeles iela, Riga
Illumination of the territory of the Riga Brothers' Cemetery and groups of sculptures at 1b Aizsaules iela, Riga
(in the picture)
- New construction of a detached house with an outbuilding and a pool at 1k-21 Kokneses prospekts, Riga